Oh good grief... mymailmum.... responses like this make me realise that leaving the JWs was perhaps the best decision I have ever made.
I feel so sad for you...you have given so much of your life to Jehovah and then you gave up when under test.
Tammie - in total contrast to that statement - I feel so happy for you... you have awakened to the fact that the JWs are not representatives of God and you have walked away. Congratulations! It is nothing to do with being under test. You dont have to be a JW to worship God, that is just a JW myth.
You were tested like Job but you forgot to turn to Jehovah in pray to help you during the hardest test we all go thru. He would have guided you on what to do... then you would know for sure that He is real.
In my husbands experience he felt he lacked any guidance from God when he was a JW, yet now he has left and is examining his faith and communicating directly from God he is getting all the guidance he wants. At last the 'messages' seem to be getting through to him.
Are you with your new church people praising Jehovah and teaching people about the only hope of the Kingdom? You know you
are not...but you know deep down that is what we are to do.
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear... in all the time I spent in the KHall I never felt as though I was praising God, just listening to rules and regulations and singing songs praising the organisation and the witnesses in it. Where was the praise, the worship, the honour? Nowhere. Yet walk into a church such as the baptist church and the love for God is so much more evident - people are happy to be there and really praise God and Jesus, the songs they sing are all to that effect. They do not keep people in their congregations through fear but through a genuine love of God. Motive. And there are indeed many churches that have programmes of teaching and evangelising - it is not exclusive to the JWs. The main feature of their teachings is love, love for each other and love for God and his son, not destruction of millions and life only for a select few.
Jehovah has a perfect track record, EVERYTHING he says is going to happen...
mmmm, that may indeed be true - but why then are the JWs known for their wild speculations and assumptions? Their unfulfilled prophecies are a thorn in their side. They are not relying on God but on their own understanding and that is fatal and will be their undoing.
Jesus said these apostates would come. They have all decided to jump off the bridge and you have followed. Just like Judas Escariot.
More like jumping off the Titanic before it goes down. The Society block peoples access to God, they prevent people having a personal relationship with Him, they put too much emphasis on the organisation and not enough on the personal side of things. They have a lot to answer for, a lot of people have left with no spirituality remaining -they are blood guilty.
Why are they not coming to my door if they are so loving and they know what is going to happen in the future?
Would you honestly listen to them? I dont think so. This is why they are so hot on shunning - they know very well that if believers were allowed to associate with ones who have left then the true facts of the organisation would come out. They use the cruel shunning practice, not to keep the congregation clean, but to keep the believers in the dark and uninformed. We who have left do not profess to know what is going to happen in the future - the JWs are only going around teaching the doctrines of the WT society - they are no more in the know than anyone else - they do not have some sort of divine hotline to God. It is arrogant of them to think that they have. If you look at other religions like the Christadelphians they have beliefs that are extraordinarily similar to the JWs yet they have done this without the so called 'anointed class'.
Please find a Hall that you feel comfortable and loved in...I know it is there for you... for sure...I trust in Jehovah! NOT imperfect MAN!
You will be looking for a very long time..... you wont find one. The hypocrisy and prejudice is not limited to one or two odd congregations - it is rife, it is commonplace. You will never find comfort or true unconditional love in any Kingdom Hall because of the organisation running things, the rules, the rigidity, the demands, the restraints, God must look down upon these people who believe they are serving Him correctly and weep. Where is the happiness? Where is the joy? What are the motives of the people that attend? If the 'reward' of life eternal on a paradise earth was to taken away would these people still serve God? If only the anointed were to be blessed with these things would the general rank and file still be happy to go along and serve Him? I dont think so, all boils down to motive. I want to serve God out of love and thankfulness not because I think I am going to get something out of it at the end of the day.
Tammie - trust your intuition - I think we know inside of us when we are not doing something right - go with your intuition, I find mine rarely lets me down.
Mymailmum - I felt the same way as you for so long. I am so glad I woke up and am now living my life in a more pleasing way to God.